An independent film company established in 1994. Blank Slate productions focuses on the Thriller/Horror genre. Recently, Blank Slate has been brought on to some documentary projects. This expanded range is a comfortable move since the early short film, "Between Passageways," incorporated an interview with a leading psychologist with the narrative of the film.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Moss close-up

Moss on North American mountain ridge in early December.

 Close up taken with a Samsung Galaxy S10. Pictured is rock moss on the top of the Shawangunk Ridge in Mamakating, New York.  Taken with a Samsung Galaxy S10.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Fujifilm 16mm Color Saturation Example

Still from "Between Passageways" 1995. By Alethea Pape. Pictured Delia Pape
 and David Ryan. Special Effects by David Ryan. Shot on Fujifilm.

The still is from my senior thesis at UArts in Philadelphia. It was shot on a Frezzolini 16mm. This is an image capture of a positive transfer uploaded to Premiere Pro. The color saturation is absolutely punchy and exactly what I wanted for this film. This was an exterior shot, no filters, no lights, no gels, and no color correction in post.